Kalon Aesthetics Logo

Kalon Aesthetics

Owner and operator of plastic surgery centers.


Healthcare Providers


Plastic Surgery


The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery Logo
The Center for Cosmetic Surgery Logo
Marina Plastic Surgery Logo

Denver, CO

Investment Date
December 20, 2021


De Novos

"Having a capable, supportive sponsor makes a huge difference and I’ve found the Latticework team to be very competent and supportive. They are available and present when you need them, but also provide the freedom and room to create the vision and strategy and run the business."

Todd DeYoung, CEO of Kalon Aesthetics

*The statement quoted above was made by an executive of the portfolio company. The portfolio company executive has not received compensation for the above statement and this statement is solely his opinion and representative of his experience with Latticework Capital Management (the “Firm”). Other portfolio company executives may not necessarily share the same view. An executive in the Firm’s portfolio company may have an incentive to make a statement that portrays the Firm in a positive light as a result of the executive’s ongoing relationship with the Firm and any influence that the Firm may have or had over the governance of the portfolio company and the compensation of its executives. It should not be assumed that the Firm’s investment in the referenced portfolio company has been or will ultimately be profitable.